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Whimsical paintings pairing abstract imagination with realistic life


When I was little, I had a reaccuring dream where I swam through the air. I was never falling, never soaring, it was just me, playfully enjoying the freedom of an unknown environment. Breast stroke, meanderng flips, and dolphin kicks would propel me through the dense air, never towards a destination, just enjoying the moment and the sensation.

When looking at a piece of art, some people see historical context and artistic cannon, some see a price tag, others see a pretty picture. I however, see an environment in which I can relive my childhood dreams. My mind can jump, climb, dance, and play in the abstracted colors, line, and texture. What if these dreams could become reality? What if people could escape from their humdrum lives and thrive in this alternative world of abstract play?

Current Works | Canvas Study
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